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how do you see yourself?


He aqui la opera prima de mi peñi Racso, rapeado en Mapuzugun y Winkazugun. Raw talent.

Karpov-Kasparov: Informe Robinson - La Doble K. Historia de una rivalidad.

Un breve documental acerca de la mayor rivalidad en la historia no sólo del ajedrez sino de cualquier especialidad del deporte mundial.

The man who made Tetris, great article on legendary russian programmer Alexey Patzinov.

Vice magazine has a nice article on Alexey Patzinov, the man who created the best selling game ever made, you guessed it right, Tetris, the brick game that caused craze during the nineties and created an entire clone industry around it, who didn't own a little lcd tetris clone gaming device back then?. The article gives some revealing facts about the life of Mr. Patzinov such as his early work on speech recognition for the academy of science in the USSR (and close ties beetwen the academy and the KGB), immigration to the USA, his work at Microsoft etc. Personally i have always felt the greatest respect for russian programmers, they are incredibly smart, they also like old fashioned Pascal and Delphi (like me) and are immensely productive under very low conditions. I will recall some stories about russian programmers in another article, here you can find the article on Patzinov .

Nigel Short tweets a recall on the world junior chess championship 1980

The event was won by no other than the "Ogre of Baku" Garry Kasparov, second and third place were awarded to Nigel Short and Ivan Morovic respectively. Just by seeing the level of participants we can conclude this was one of the strongest WYCC in history. A couple of years later Kasparov would become the youngest world champion in history meanwhile Short would become the strongest western player since Fischer and later a candidate to the WC. Taking these facts into account there is no denying this was a nice achievement for Morovic, he drew his game with Kasparov in addition to another draw in 1977, he's one of the few GM in the world with an even score against the former world champion. Here is the picture: @Kasparov63 @nigelshortchess #Ajedrez #Chile — Club Ajedrez Linares (@AjedrezLinares) November 20, 2014 It is known the famous Linares city in Spain (host to the greatest elite tournaments from late 80's to mid 00's ) has

World Chess Championship 2014, the Indian Tiger is still alive, Vishy holds draw in marathonic game against Carlsen.

Another spanish opening, another Berlin defense, this time Vishy seemed to be unprepared as he spent nearly as twice the time spent by Carlsen, and soon got under immense pressure, some moves after it came time to make a very difficult decision, to suffer a slow agony or to give up a bishop for 2 pawns to enter an inferior endgame that many say is a "petite bouchee" for the norwegian genius. Soon, twitter exploded in comments that this was nearly lost game for Anand, but the Tiger built a fortress around his king with his pawns and repelled attack after attack from the norwegian berserker until they entered the Rook + Knight VS Rook endgame that many claimed was a "dead draw",except for a known dutch GrandMaster that suffered a humiliating defeat in the hands of the berserker himself, just look what the victim twitted: Nowaydays when RNvsR appears in elite-events, and commentators say draw, one guy will point out 'Hold on, Carlsen won this once against...'

World Chess Championship 2014, Anand wins game 3 against Carlsen after a painful loss. The match is on fire.

For almost every chess fan in the universe, the world championship was over after the disastrous loss for Anand on game 2, Vishy offered almost no resistance with the black pieces in a Spanish opening, so we were expecting the worst for our chess hero. After the win, a completely relaxed Magnus Carlsen even played a soccer match with his team and maybe played a few games of FIFA 15 online, who knows. But while Carlsen was chillin' out, the tiger was studying and sharpening his teeth, planning his revenge. And guess what, Vishy is not called "the indian tiger" for nothing, he came back in a spectacular fashion on game 3, opening preparation paid it's dividends in a queen´s gambit where white solidly advances his pawns on the queenside trying to keep and advanced pawn. The game followed the same path as  Tomashevsky vs Riazantsev,2008 until move 25 except for a pawn in h3. Carlsen felt the pressure and began to ran out of time, Vishy missed a golden opportunity to ho

Must see!! The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (CC available: en,es,r...

Nice retort to the cheap racist cartoon by the NYT on the Indian space program.

While NYT cartoon was racist, this is a brilliant retort by Hindustan Times. Take a bow. — blog link in bio (@indiantweeter) October 30, 2014 Now the source of the controversy, a stereotypical view on the people of India. Some condescension from the NYT to brighten up your morning. Don't miss the cow, that most original of India motifs! — Samanth Subramanian (@Samanth_S) September 29, 2014

Julio Granda campeón continental.

El jugador peruano se ha coronado campeón en el IX campeonato continental. El torneo fue realmente durisimo contando con la presencia de renombrados jugadores como el cubano Bruzon, el brasileño Leitao, los norteamericanos Shankland y Kaidanov etc. A continuación una típica partida de Granda jugando en su esotérico estilo contra el GM argentino Felgaer, el peruano juega la apertura de forma extraña, apartandose tempranamente de los cauces teóricos, esta estrategia puede ser dudosa al mas alto nivel pero a Granda le ha funcionado de forma excelente contra algunos de los mejores jugadores del mundo, se me vienen a la mente partidas contra Kamsky y Shirov (cuando estos eran top ten). Cabe señalar que el mismisimo campeón del mundo Magnus Carlsen tambien se da maña para "marear" a sus rivales sacandolos de la teoria cuando se dá la ocasión:

The Star7 PDA Prototype; the birth of java, smartphones and internet of things?

A 1992 film shows an amazing proof of concept that would materialize many years later in the form of your everyday (iphone, android, blackberry) touchscreen device. This also might be the first appearance of "Duke"(java mascot) and the notion of "internet of things". After seeing all this coolness i cannot but wonder why Sun Microsystems ended up being bought by Oracle (and not the opposite). To be fair, many of these inventions were first conceptualized at the Xerox Labs in Palo Alto Ca. but never saw a POC like this before.  

Gotta see this great gig, RUSH - PROJECT R30.

NoSQL, just hype after all? long live PostgreSQL EDB found that Postgres outperforms MongoDB in selecting, loading and inserting complex document data in key workloads involving 50 million records: Ingestion of high volumes of data was approximately 2.1 times faster in Postgres MongoDB consumed 33% more the disk space Data inserts took almost 3 times longer in MongoDB Data selection took more than 2.5 times longer in MongoDB than in Postgres

nothing but a web developer..

Please endorse this poor little newbie on Linkedin

Fabiano Caruana kicking ass like a madman at Sinquefield Cup, perfect score so far.

Well, it seems that there is a monster in town, and no, my friend, he is not a talented norwegian boy, he comes from the land of pizza and macaroni. Fabiano Caruana has defeated every single top player in the Sinquefield cup, including no other than current world champion and number 1 Magnus Carlsen. To put Caruana's performance in context we must remember some other great winning streaks such as Fischer's interzonal-candidates (including 6-0 over Taimanov and 6-0 over Larsen), Karpov at Linares 1994, Topalov at San Luis 2006. So, we must wait for the second leg of this tournament, Caruana can still enhance his score, there is a nice article at These recent results from Caruana just confirm that he is the closer contender for Magnus Carlsen, the world champion has been affected by a decline in his game since the olympiad in Norway, there must be some psychological component on it, since he is not even close to his impressive results from the last 3 years. Now, fo

Sharks have been spotted sniffing some packets...

jajajaja, courtesy of OpenSuse.

China wins the Chess Olympiad in consistent style.

Just around 20 years ago China was non-existant place in the chess planet, they barely had titled players and none of them was remotely near the chess Olympus, in those times Russia was still king of the Olympiads fighting hard against some powerful former URSS nations such as Ukraine and Armenia. It took just 20 years for China to become a chess powerhouse whose strength is just starting to flourish, they have won the planetary chess contest in a convincingly and consistent manner. A young generation of players which are just leaving their teens with enough maturity to take for assault on the elite. The average ELO of the chinese team isn't very impressive and didn't make them favorites but there is something special about these guys, i think chess is a very suitable activity for the chinese character, to become strong at chess you need (between other things) focus, hard work and determination. I would add that the chinese are strong team players, it has been noticed that wh

Self promotion has a limit or how to blow away your professional and human reputation.

Johnny Spangenberg, and investment banking consultant has made a very poor self promotion exercise by posting his particular point of view about the malasyan plane flight catastrophe over Ukraine. Titled " 295 Lives Lost Thanks to Sloppy Risk Management " the article tries to debase a tragic life loss into a business management concept, showing incredible coldness and insensitivity in the meantime. I wonder if the average investment professional at Wall Street has the same values and common sense of this guy.

Nice insight into the life of long time MS Windows hacker Mark Russinovich

This guy has been around in the world of MS operating systems for a very long time, he developed one of the most useful suites for optimization, debugging and troubleshooting of windows OS the sysinternals suite, in fact his work is so important that despite having uncovered many flaws and pitfalls inside Windows he got a Job at the company and now is working full time at the Azure team. I highly recommend the article where he shares his view on the future of cloud computing between many other interesting facts.

Alcohol: A chess performance enhancing drug?

This interesting article discusses an old issue between chess professionals and aficionados, it is known that many world class players had serious problems with drinking and there is a myth about the benefits of playing with a couple of "shots" aboard. But seriously that's just a myth, the only possible truth is that there are some geniouses that are able to perform even in some extreme conditions, to my mind come some names and anecdotes, just to name a few, Tahl, Kramnik, Ivanchuck. Those three were frequent pub visitors and won chess tournaments in the middle of eternal hangovers. Don´t ever drink and play chess to a russian or you will get you a** severely kicked.

Caruana derrota al monstruo Carlsen

Todo marchaba muy bien para el campeón mundial Magnus Carlsen, el hombre habia partido con la fuerza de un ogro barriendo rivales del tablero hasta que se encontró con el italo-estadounidense Fabiano Caruana, se planteó la ultra-solida (y aburridisima) defensa Berlín de la apertura española, sin embargo esta vez fue Caruana el que tomó el papel de castigador e hizo sufrir al campeón en su propio estilo, estrujando la posición hasta lograr ventaja decisiva en un final con peón de más bastante avanzado. Caruana es uno de los pocos jugadores que tiene un score decente contra Magnus, mientras otros como su compatriota Nakamura ven como se estira su score negativo sin poder ganar una sola partida contra "Sauron" como el mismo apoda al campeón.

Morphy VS El duque de Brunswick y el Conde de Isouard

A continuación una de las partidas más famosas de todos los tiempos, citada innumerables veces en libros y revistas como ejemplo de la importancia del desarrollo rápido de las piezas. Cuenta la historia que el duque, aprovechando la estadía del famoso jugador en Europa, lo invitó a la Opera de París para ver la obra "Norma", la cual había sido vista por el duque muchas veces por lo cual ya no tenía interés en la misma, en cambio Morphy tenía grandes expectativas en el espectáculo. De esta forma fue prácticamente obligado por el duque y su amigo el conde a jugar ajedrez, Morphy a pesar de mantener un ojo en la opera y otro en el ajedrez fue capaz de crear esta partida inmortal que todo aficionado debe conocer. Loading embedded chess game...