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Showing posts from November, 2014


He aqui la opera prima de mi peñi Racso, rapeado en Mapuzugun y Winkazugun. Raw talent.

Karpov-Kasparov: Informe Robinson - La Doble K. Historia de una rivalidad.

Un breve documental acerca de la mayor rivalidad en la historia no sólo del ajedrez sino de cualquier especialidad del deporte mundial.

The man who made Tetris, great article on legendary russian programmer Alexey Patzinov.

Vice magazine has a nice article on Alexey Patzinov, the man who created the best selling game ever made, you guessed it right, Tetris, the brick game that caused craze during the nineties and created an entire clone industry around it, who didn't own a little lcd tetris clone gaming device back then?. The article gives some revealing facts about the life of Mr. Patzinov such as his early work on speech recognition for the academy of science in the USSR (and close ties beetwen the academy and the KGB), immigration to the USA, his work at Microsoft etc. Personally i have always felt the greatest respect for russian programmers, they are incredibly smart, they also like old fashioned Pascal and Delphi (like me) and are immensely productive under very low conditions. I will recall some stories about russian programmers in another article, here you can find the article on Patzinov .

Nigel Short tweets a recall on the world junior chess championship 1980

The event was won by no other than the "Ogre of Baku" Garry Kasparov, second and third place were awarded to Nigel Short and Ivan Morovic respectively. Just by seeing the level of participants we can conclude this was one of the strongest WYCC in history. A couple of years later Kasparov would become the youngest world champion in history meanwhile Short would become the strongest western player since Fischer and later a candidate to the WC. Taking these facts into account there is no denying this was a nice achievement for Morovic, he drew his game with Kasparov in addition to another draw in 1977, he's one of the few GM in the world with an even score against the former world champion. Here is the picture: @Kasparov63 @nigelshortchess #Ajedrez #Chile — Club Ajedrez Linares (@AjedrezLinares) November 20, 2014 It is known the famous Linares city in Spain (host to the greatest elite tournaments from late 80's to mid 00's ) has

World Chess Championship 2014, the Indian Tiger is still alive, Vishy holds draw in marathonic game against Carlsen.

Another spanish opening, another Berlin defense, this time Vishy seemed to be unprepared as he spent nearly as twice the time spent by Carlsen, and soon got under immense pressure, some moves after it came time to make a very difficult decision, to suffer a slow agony or to give up a bishop for 2 pawns to enter an inferior endgame that many say is a "petite bouchee" for the norwegian genius. Soon, twitter exploded in comments that this was nearly lost game for Anand, but the Tiger built a fortress around his king with his pawns and repelled attack after attack from the norwegian berserker until they entered the Rook + Knight VS Rook endgame that many claimed was a "dead draw",except for a known dutch GrandMaster that suffered a humiliating defeat in the hands of the berserker himself, just look what the victim twitted: Nowaydays when RNvsR appears in elite-events, and commentators say draw, one guy will point out 'Hold on, Carlsen won this once against...'

World Chess Championship 2014, Anand wins game 3 against Carlsen after a painful loss. The match is on fire.

For almost every chess fan in the universe, the world championship was over after the disastrous loss for Anand on game 2, Vishy offered almost no resistance with the black pieces in a Spanish opening, so we were expecting the worst for our chess hero. After the win, a completely relaxed Magnus Carlsen even played a soccer match with his team and maybe played a few games of FIFA 15 online, who knows. But while Carlsen was chillin' out, the tiger was studying and sharpening his teeth, planning his revenge. And guess what, Vishy is not called "the indian tiger" for nothing, he came back in a spectacular fashion on game 3, opening preparation paid it's dividends in a queen´s gambit where white solidly advances his pawns on the queenside trying to keep and advanced pawn. The game followed the same path as  Tomashevsky vs Riazantsev,2008 until move 25 except for a pawn in h3. Carlsen felt the pressure and began to ran out of time, Vishy missed a golden opportunity to ho

Must see!! The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (CC available: en,es,r...