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Anand defeats Carlsen who is playing the worst tournament of his career.

Magnus Carlsen is playing his worst tournament since he became part of the chess elite, carrying just half a point in four games, the first shock came when in a favorable position lost on time to Topalov, next Caruana made him suffer another defeat, now it was time for Vishy Anand to take a sweet revenge against his nemesis, in a spanish opening Carlsen avoided the Berlin defense which we could say is the "Stonewall" against the Ruy Lopez, this decision is no surprise since we came out badly from the opening in his game against Fabiano Caruana.
Vishy insisted on 6.d3, a line that has given bittersweet results against the world champion. But this time he managed to exert a strong pressure on the kingside and by move 38 had decisive advangate, time came for black to give the quality and white penetrated with his rook treating to create a massive damage on black exposed pawns.
I think the "bad form" of Carlsen is in no way diminishing the strong playing by Anand, now we can expect a great game Carlsen-Nakamura, will Naka go for Magnus throat, trying to capitalize on th world champion apparent fragility? remember that the awful score for Nakamura against magnus is -11 =0 +0

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