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Still wondering who will be the next world chess championship challenger??? stop there, here is the guy who will beat Magnus Carlsen.

Dear chess colleague, you have been observing the meteoric rise of Magnus Carlsen from wonderkid to world champion, you have been trying to figure out who will be his nemesis to no avail, you are still waiting for Nakamura to win a single game against "Sauron", you wonder if Caruana has enough skills to kick his way to the world championship, you still have to see a decent win by Topalov by means other than running out of time due to neglectful organizers...
Well, this is your day of luck because then search has ended, that challenger is not a top 10, is not russian, not even a westerner, this guy is from China and has the best winning streak since Carlsen's not only that, he has some brilliant wins under his hood, his style is dynamic and his game is supported by superb tactical skills that reminds the notable punishments of no other than Mikhail Tahl.
Wei Yi is only 16 years old, a child prodigy, at this time is rating is 2726 and raising steadily, sure there is another chinese player above him, but just take a look at the games of Wei, they seems to be of another planet, one of his last jewels is from the famous Capablanca Memorial in Havana, there he crushed local hero Lazaro Bruzón, refuting forever a dubious line the Scheveningen Sicilian, Misha Tahl could not have done better in his best days.

Impressive game.


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